Professional Experience Capstone Project
Developing an e-Resource Usage Dashboard for Texas Libraries
Host Organization: Texas State Library and Archives Commission
The TexShare Databases Program at the Texas State Library provides 600+ Texas libraries with access to 68 electronic resources from seven content providers. Many of these libraries, public and academic, require access to data on how these resources are being used: to maintain accreditation, justify continued funding, or to demonstrate the value of the resources to outside stakeholders. But collecting this data requires visiting a dozen different admin platforms, each containing reports of varying metrics and standards.
To aid these libraries, I developed a series of workflows in OpenRefine, which TexShare staff could use to quickly process the program’s consortia-level usage data, import it into a database, and share it with member libraries as a single, standardized report. Then I surveyed a selection of member libraries about their usage data needs and used the survey results to develop a dashboard which will enable libraries to view their usage information and export custom usage data reports.
The capstone was completed in August 2020, but I have continued to develop and expand the dashboard into an official service to TexShare member libraries. It now displays usage statistics from all but a few outlier resources, and continues to be updated monthly.
Capstone Project Page · Usage Data Survey Analysis Report (PDF) · Usage Data Reporting Dashboard